Scaling Assets in Present Pro

Scale Modes allow users to apply scaling preferences to visuals and slicers. This enables scaling up and down when changing the size of the slide - say, by customizing the workspace, zooming in and out in edit mode, launching the presentation at runtime, changing the size of the browser window, or viewing the presentation on a smaller or larger monitor. Each visual is contained in a bounding box; whenever the slide size is adjusted, the bounding box is scaled up or down in response. Scaling modes let you set the scaling behavior for the visual inside the bounding box.

Tip: In addition to general scaling controlled by these features, it is also possible to enable or disable auto scaling on KPI Gauge labels. For more information, see Auto Fit Labels.

Set Scale Modes

By default, the Scale Down Only option is applied to visuals, but this can be changed from the Scale Mode menu. If No Scale is selected, the visual's bounding box will be scaled up and down according to page size, but the visualization itself will not be scaled up or down. Its components (font, cells, segments, etc) will remain the same size, regardless of the size of the bounding box.

There are two ways to access the Scale Mode menu:

  1. Right-click the visual or slicer and from the context menu select Visual Options > Scale Mode > <Scale Option>.
  2. Click on a visual and go to the Visual tab in the ribbon; choose a scale mode from the drop-down list.

Scale Modes

No Scale

Choose No Scale of you don't want to apply any scaling to your visual. In this case, the visual will not be scaled up or down when the size of the slide is adjusted, but the bounding box will. If the visual is larger than the bounding box, only part of it will be visible. When launched at runtime, the bounding box may be large enough, in which case, the entire visual will be seen at runtime but not in edit mode.

Scale Up & Down

Both the bounding box and the visual it contains will be scaled up when the slide size is increased, and down when the slide size is decreased.

Scale Down Only

The visual will be scaled down when the slide size is decreased, but will not be affected by increasing the slide size.

Scale to Fit

The visual will be scaled to fit within the bounding box regardless of slide size. The bounding box is always scaled in proportion to the slide, so this option matches the visual scaling to that of the bounding box.

Note: Scale to Fit is not available on Slicers.